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23 January 2007



I am eagerly awaiting your new site! Your informative approach to sex and the boomer generation has been of great interest to my clients. Our podcast interviews have been a big hit:


Good luck with your new site!

Anne Pelavin

Thanks...just what I needed...like going to the movies!!

lynne friedli

wonderful blog. congratulations. Lynne

Marc Simon


Congratulations on your new site. Your writing is strong and evocative. Principal Mong would be proud of you, I think. I hope.
Anyway, best of luck from an ex-Highlander and writer living in Boston,



Your article on partner dancing is fabulous! As a 12-year veteran of the GLBT dance scene I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the parallels between the roles we choose to play, on the dance floor and off. Made for a thrilling morning!
Thank you.

Joan Price

What a great site, and a great book idea!

As the author of a book about mature sexuality -- though admittedly tamer than yours -- I can tell you that Boomers are ready to be recognized as fully sexual human beings.

Is mature sex the same as younger sex? We know it's not. But with the right information, communication, and books/blogs like yours and mine, we can be having spicy and fulfilling sex lives at 60, 70, and -- I'm told! -- 80+.

I hope you and your readers will visit my blog, too, and post your comments: http://www.betterthanieverexpected.blogspot.com

Joan Price

Author of Better Than I Ever Expected: Straight Talk about Sex After Sixty (Seal Press, 2006, http://www.joanprice.com/BetterThanExpected.htm )

Join us -- we're talking about ageless sexuality at http://www.betterthanieverexpected.blogspot.com


Interesting blog, but I would suggest you post more than once a week.


Sue, you should also burn a feed through Feedburner, and add it to your sidebar.


סו אוהבים אותך !
Keep up the good work

lynne friedli


Glad to see your latest and very sorry to hear about your mother. Thinking of you and sending you warm wishes from here in rain drenched London. Lynne

Georgia Cammann

Reading your blog, I feel I've crossed paths w/ a Kindred Spirit. YOU ROCK GIRL!!! As a fellow, life-long rebel and hip-shooter, I have a deep passion for exposing deceit and lighting up Justice to empower others, esp. those who couldn't or can't speak for themselves. There's a definite energy attached to that. I see our Boomer generation coming forward in new ways that operate outside the box and are pushing forward a new conciousness that this world needs to heal on many levels. In Gratitude for fighting the Good Fight!

Florida Vacation

I wanted to take time to thank you for the great information on this site. I found it to be very helpful and interesting. I will certainly check back soon.

Susan Crain Bakos

I love your blog! You are gloriously opinionated and write so well. Very interesting stuff. I will come back to read more carefully some of the earlier posts.
Even though I can't agree with you on high heels--which I adore--I like the fiestiness.
Let's link our blogs,
Susan Crain Bakos

Ken Haslam

Hi Sue, Love your blog.
See what the Catholics are doing to a young lady in West Chester, PA who is trying to run a sex shop for women and couples.






I love your blog, it's very informative. Keep up the wonderful work.


A month of all nighters? Gee! You must know Sarah Palin inside and out!!

Arlene Distler

Finally -- more than sound bites from both sides of the Palin debate!

Darleen Michael-Baker

Sue, got the book (LOVE my new Kindle!) and am busy reading it. If you don't know about Mudflats, you need to get together with her. http://mudflats.wordpress.com. Her latest post will make your hair stand on end.

seo jacksonville

Congrats on your new website. Your composing is powerful and evocative.

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