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28 May 2007


Gema Gray

...And so the cycle continues: women finding creative, poignant, sometimes shocking, ways to endure and survive the cycle of senseless male violence. As in the movie, children are often the catalyst for salvation; but all too often the cycle ends - as it did for Shelly - in one final, fatal act of brutality.


Thanks for your thoughtful comment. Children may sometimes be the salvation, but they are sometimes the reason why women feel trapped in dangerous relationships. I hope, though, I conveyed that the film is a lot of fun!


I actually found the movie alot of fun as well. I was pleasantly surprised by the performance of Kerri Russel but found all three women really wonderful,actually all the performances were enjoyable. I was a disappointed in Jen's immediate reversal of her feelings, I understood it but I actually thought it was interesting to hear a women not be overjoyed about being pregnant. To notice other situations and be a little terrified. The whole I get strength from my child is such old cliche but i thought it was presented in a fun way. It was nice to see a female driven piece which is getting rarer and rarer these days in the movie world. I appreciate your pointing out the sad irony of her death, I hadn't really thought about it in that way.


Mia, thanks. It takes a brilliant actor like you to point out how enjoyable the three main performances were. I particularly liked how Shelly made herself so ditsy as Dawn. As for the erasure of women from the film industry, unfortunately the same can be said of almost every public sphere in America.

Jessica B. Burstrem

Hi, I saw your posting on WMST-L this morning. Thanks for sharing. After reading your review, I was struck by the situation and the husband's name (Earl) and its similarity to a fabulous Dixie Chicks song about revenge on an abusive husband named Earl. It wasn't included in the movie's soundtrack, by any chance, was it? Please check out my own professional blog about mothering via the link posted here. Best, j


Hi Jessica, Thanks for your comment. I don't know if they used the Dixie Chicks song you mention - but it would have been a natural, no? I've always liked Dixie Chicks music, although I am turned off *them* after seeing the documentary on them. Anyway, I'm going to go check out your blog right now.

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