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12 February 2008


Susan Corso

Mine came to me instantly!

No God
Know God
O God!

Susan Corso

And this one from my sweetie:

I dream arrive
Always move on.

Gema Gray

Made mistakes. Grew up. Found myself.


my story for daily happiness:

good hair, sensible shoes, dark chocolate

Maggie Jochild

Loved Mama
Loved women
Love self


Hi Sue. Here's mine so far ...

Screwed up
Grew up
Showed up

I read a bunch of these in the 2007 edition of the Best American Nonrequired Reading. My favorite ...

ABCs MTV SATs THC IRA NPR by Jancee Dunn

Keep up the great work on the blog. Love it!

Sue Katz

Oh my gawd. These are so much fun. If only there were a paying job requiring me to produce these for my dinner.

Thanks everyone for your brilliance (and, in your case Distractions - the brilliance of others, too.) Keep them commin'.


halcyon elm
a cello hymn

The anagram evidence on melancholy is in. I could have said,

calmly hone
local hymen

but that's only 5 words and anagrammas are strict spellers.

P.S. Thanks for the history quizzes. I honor all the greats and try to spread their words here as I teach. In VT, February is a slippery slope, opaque white. Lost my new crampon in a drift.
Nightfall was a timely finale.


Have never done this before, but it sounded like too much fun to not at least try!
Here goes:

Life surprises
Wonder why
Never know

Loved ones
Sometimes betray
Forgive anyway

Hard times
Wondered why
Now grateful

Sue Katz

Anita, there's something so very positive about your memoirs! Thanks,

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