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31 August 2008


Ruth Z Deming

Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Sue. I loved watching Saturday afternoon wrestling across the state from you in Cleveland, OH. When my dad told me it was rigged, I was shocked. I also noted that Kowalski's name is spelled the same way as Stanley's in Streetcar named Desire. Wonder if Tennessee Williams could have possibly heard of the wrestler?


Did you know sister nancy and i watched studio wrestling every saturday while eating Mineos' pizza (perhaps the reason for my unproportinate thighs!)...we usually ended by a good wrestle between us....did all jewish people in the burgh spend their weekends like this?

Alan Venable

Thanks Sue for that reminder about a man I haven't thought of in so long since our youth in Pittsburgh. I developed an attachment for Killer in the 1970s when I learned he was very fond of classical music. I had a vague notion of a short play about him back then, but I think it's still no more than a few pages of notes in my basement files. I'm sorry to hear he's gone.

Sue Katz

I notice that all the comments on Killer Kowalski are from the "tri-state" area. I love Ruth's "santa claus" moment when she finds out wrestling is rigged. Sandy connects the wrestling with Mineo's pizza - no less a Pittsburgh institution than Studio Wrestling. And then the cherry on the cake... Alan breaks the news of Killer's love of classical music and of the beginning of a play he has written about the wrestler! Oh, dig out those pages, Alan. Can I play Haystack?? Please?

Mike Berke


My wife's maiden name is Moidel and she grew up in E.Liverpool. Izzy Moidel was one of her relatives. We also remember studio wrestling fondly. My, what a small world!

Thanks for a walk down memory lane.

Mike and Toby


Izzy Moidel was my great uncle. I'm looking for any pictures of him or paraphernalia from back then that might have his name, if anyone has any please post to let me know!

Sue Katz

This is an old post, Randy, but I'll mention it on my facebook page and see if you get a response. Thanks for writing and good luck.

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