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19 June 2010


Stephen Weinstein

Sue - your post about the film Gen Silent is a powerful and insightful commentary about aging in America in the 21st century, especially as it affects the LGBT community. It is a consequence I had not given much attention to so I appreciate your thoughts on the subject and the efforts of Stu Maddox to create this documentary. I will visit his website and offer support so that the message may reach more people. Humanity does not have a sexual orientation.

Sue Katz

As always Stephen, you're a thoughtful and humane guy and it comes through in everything you write - even just a comment. Having recently experienced the nightmare of trying to locate the right elder residential services for a relative, I was doubly aware of how challenging the added element of needing a queer-friendly setting would be. Thanks for writing, my virtual friend.

eleanor roffman

yes, we did gasp hurrying down Commericial Street, seeing that neither of us are spring chickens any longer! it was worth the exercise to see this film and to have my awareness of this issue heightened, especially on the emotional plane.
As a member of the LBGTQI community, i am so interested in hearing from those who also are thinking about these issues.

Even with single payer health insurance, when it comes, we need to focus on the neverending task of demanding respect.

thanks for posting this. i hope others get to see the film and engage in actions that will promote the welfare of us all.

drug rehab detox

what should really be among the priorities of the LGBT community. When one considers all the resources that have been lavished on lobbying for equality in the sorry military/marriage institutions, the issues surrounding LGBT aging seem to be a more pressing and much more widely relevant

Sue Katz

Couldn't agree more! And health care for all. Studies show lesbians, for example, are quite reluctant to talk to doctors because of the reactions they get.

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