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27 April 2016



Oh Katz. Thank you for a huge guffaw at the second sentence.

Mike Evans

Of course I hate to rain on your parade, poop on your party or in any way contradict your mother's advice, which is of course sacrosanct.. but it turns out that the toilet seat, public or otherwise, is often one of the cleanest things you are likely to touch.

University of Arizona researchers found that the average kitchen cutting board has 200 times more fecal bacteria than a toilet seat. Comforting isn't it?

Actually there is something other than advice, and particularly precious that your mother gave you - as you were being born. A good dose of her bacteria, both vaginal and faecal. (Pooping during childbirth is common.) It turns out that this is a good thing - because that's how the bacteria in your gut get there in the first place. Without them you would be unable to digest a good deal of your food.

Have I grossed you out yet?

Sue Katz

I read this just as I finished cutting up an avocado salad so, yes, you've totally grossed me out!!! Jeez.

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