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14 October 2017



I'm sorry, but this film sounds positively cringe-inducing. The whole point of sex-segregated sports is that, in general, men are larger and possess greater muscle mass than women, although naturally there is a wide crossover, and a highly skilled woman will of course beat a less skilful man unless brute strength is a factor. I'm obviously delighted BJK beat the braggart, but so what? It proves nothing, and it certainly didn't fix anything.


Thanks for seeing this so I don't have to!

Charles Coe

Filmmakers often take on serious and significant topics like this and then file off the edges of what actually happened to soften them. Maybe they think it makes them more acceptable to a mass audience. Think of how The Color Purple and Fried Green Tomatoes downplayed the lesbian relationships that sat at the core of the stories.

Sue Katz

Exactly so.

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