The women of Hollywood are all about Times Up! and Me Too! and let’s have 50% of all crews be women and all that. Welcome to my world (one we feminists have inhabited since the late '60s).
However, as long they are wearing shoes that cripple them and dresses that don’t fit into limousines and need men to help them up a god-damned half flight of stairs to the awards stage, then something just doesn’t ring true. We know they are walking advertisements for diamond dealers and couture designers and plastic surgeons. But if you’re going to talk about justice, even if you’re only talking about equality and parity (modest goals), then wear stuff that allows you to get from A to B on your own.
I remember when the women’s movement was at its height, there were many stars who turned up in pant suits and jump suits and were actually able to ambulate. Even if the garb is silly and over-the-top like Streisand’s outfit at left, at least she can walk on her own. Cut the crap with all this foot binding and body squeezing and humongous skirts. Otherwise, we don’t believe for a second that you will walk your talk.
Posted by: Sheila Parks | 09 January 2019 at 15:18
Oh yes, I've been thinking this for years, and you said it so well. Why is a hobbled look the appearance-of-choice with otherwise empowered women? They don't have to wear Wonder Woman costumes, but they can set a new standard for what's beautiful, glamorous, and *powerful*.
Posted by: Joan Price | 09 January 2019 at 16:14