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21 August 2020


Joan Price

I agree about the "God bless" and all the Jesus talk. As you say, "What don’t the Democrats understand about the separation of Church and State?" Overall, I found the convention inspiring and unexpectedly moving (the boy who stuttered!). Next time, they should get Billy Porter as host!

Tracy M Moore

My Katz,
Terrific rundown!
This too shall pass and we'll all get going.
There's lots of value to remember. So many Americans!
Other grumps I will omit. I loved many moments.

Mike Evans

Sue, Thank you for your insight on this. From the other side of the pond the whole thing is confusing. I do hope the Democrats can pick it up from here on it because it still has the feel of a car crash about to happen.

I wouldn't tell an American how to vote, for the same reason that I was outraged when Obama tried to tell the UK how to vote on Brexit. (It happens I agreed with him but it wasn't his place to say and he should have shut up.) But you surely know that the world has looked on in horror at the last four years.

Wishing you peace.

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