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22 October 2022


Dr Susan Corso

Katz, mazel tov! 40 more years please. We need spirits like yours here.

Sue O'Sullvan

Love that pic - always have. Just sent you an email card then opened this. Change? Whatever! Have a great day. Get busy on your list of things to accomplish tomorrow ho ho.
I thought 85 seemed reasonable for myself - but now that I'm gimping rather quickly towards 82, maybe add a couple of years more on, if possible - and if I keep my marbles. John is 83 tomorrow. Clara C was way younger yesterday. A lovely clutch of BD friends one day after another in October.

Gema Gray

Happy Birthday, Katz!
Have a blast - continue to show us "younglings" (I'm 55!) how its done.
Much love n hugs


you haven't changed a bit!

Barbara Ridley

Lovely photo and you’re lovely now! Enjoy 75!


Beautiful photo, although I admit I was hoping for something more recent :-) Thank you for sharing.

- KC


Not sure what your plan for today is, but for my 75th birthday I celebrated with a family scavenger hunt in Boston.

We had a great time.


Mike Azzara

Happy birthday Sue, nice pic

Sarah Forth

Fabulous photo! That slender, acid-tripping, cutie is still in you, along with subsequent years of folly and wisdom. Stay mighty, sweetheart. We still need your strength & beauty.

Abby Robinson

Have you changed since our freshman year as roomies at BU? Hmm… Yes and no.
Fundamentally no.


What has:
Your diet. You now know how to eat pomegranates and lobster (the latter with dexterity and a modicum of grace)
Your aesthetics (you would never again buy those dreadful blue bedspreads and curtains that we had in our room)
Your world (it's expanded significantly from Highland Park in Pittsburgh)

What hasn't:
Your way with words (even your term papers were good).
Your dancing (though now more focused)
Your humor (our roommatedness might have been a nightmare otherwise)
Your tenacity (when we lived on Bay State Road, it was more like obsessiveness, but it's mutated into a more functional, productive form)
Your exceptional courage (you were always a fighter for the right reasons and causes)
Your loyalty (I kinda knew from the moment you entered our dorm room in your shirtwaist dress that we'd be friends forever. Plus our RAs thought we looked cute together)


22 or 75, naked or clothed you are always 100% you , fabulous unique and gorgeous!
I realise next year I’ll be the age you were when I first met you, but what’s in a number 😀
Love ya
Nic xxx

Shella Parks

love the photo of you. i canno rad andy of this. Print is way too small for my eyes

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