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14 November 2024


Dotty LeMieux

Wonderful memory of your wonderful friend. So many seem to be dying now. We are at that age. My best friend Diana, a generous beautiful, talented poet died just last year, admonishing me from her death bed "Don't get old." I promised her I would not. We both knew that was a lie. But she had the most profound earth burial wrapped in her own bed sheets, to nourish the earth forever. A few friends and family gathered to remember, chant, and read a couple of favorite poems. I'm sorry you did not get to say goodbye to this marvelous soul.

Jane Heaney

A wonderful tribute to your devoted friend, may she rest in peace ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. Such long and enduring connections are rare.

Sarah Kelleher

Sue, it is friendships like this that keep us all afloat and our spirits raised on a daily basis. Condolences on your loss my dear and thank you for sharing your sorrow. By doing so you have celebrated her life and shared her beauty.

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